Gwyddai Simba y byddai'n frenin rhyw dydd... Stori i danio'r dychymyg, adeiladu hyder darllen a datblygu llythrennedd. Addasiad Mared Llwyd, athrawes Cefnogi'r Gymraeg ac athrawes gynradd brofiadol, awdur a mam i ddau o blant ifanc. Stori i hwyluso darllen i blant yn y cartref a'r dosbarth, yn unol â gofynion y Fframwaith Llythrennedd Genedlaethol yng Nghymru.
Enjoy this endearing Lion King tale. A story to spark imagination, build reading confidence and develop literacy. Adapted by Mared Llwyd, an experienced primary school teacher, author and mother of two young children. The stories in this series have been carefully tailored to facilitate children's reading in the classroom and at home, in line with the National Literacy Framework in Wales.