Rumours and Oddities from North Wales

Ar gael
Product Details
UPC: 9781845244644

Detholiad o chwedlau a straeon ysbryd o Gymru. Caiff darllenwyr eu diddanu a'u haddysgu wrth eu darllen. Bydd rhai straeon yn destun rhyfeddod tra bydd eraill yn cyffwrdd y galon. Yn bennaf, byddant yn denu'r darllenwyr i ymweld â'r mannau y lleolir y straeon ynddynt.

A selection of folklore, myths and ghost stories from Wales. Readers will find it both informative and entertaining. There are stories that shock. Others touch the heart. The characters will either haunt you or tickle you, but most of all they will make you want to visit the many places of interest mentioned in this book.

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Rumours and Oddities from North Wales
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