Mae Rita Eisiau Tylwythen Deg - Máire Zepf

1 ar gael
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UPC: 9781802580457

Dyma Rita. Mae Rita'n ferch fach â syniadau mawr. Pan mae’n diflasu wrth orfod gwisgo amdani, mae'n dychmygu bod ganddi dylwythen deg. Byddai'r dylwythen yn chwifio'i ffon hud - wwsh! - ond beth fyddai diwedd hyn i gyd?

Meet Rita. She's a little girl with very big ideas. When she doesn't feel like getting dressed in the morning, she dreams up a Fairy Godmother to help her out. Rita's Fairy Godmother would only have to twirl her wand - swoosh! - and things would happen. But who knows what things...

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Mae Rita Eisiau Tylwythen Deg - Máire Zepf
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