Mae Rita Eisiau Jîni - Máire Zepf

1 ar gael
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UPC: 9781802580471

Dyma Rita. Mae Rita'n ferch fach â syniadau mawr. Hoffai Rita gael jîni fyddai'n gwrando arni bob tro ac yn gwireddu pob dymuniad. Alakazam! Alakazee! Zim Zam Alakazoo! Ond beth os bydd rhywun arall yn dwyn jîni Rita? Addasiad Cymraeg gan Anwen Pierce o Rita Wants a Genie .

Rita is a little girl with very big ideas. Rita wants a genie who will obey her every command and give her all that she dreams of. Alacazam! Alacazee! Zim! Zam! Alacazoo! But what if someone else gets their hands on the genie? A Welsh adaptation by Anwen Pierce of Rita Wants a Genie .

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Mae Rita Eisiau Jîni - Máire Zepf
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