Iconic Cycling : Trails in Wales - Phil Horsley

Ar gael
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UPC: 9781845242633

Mae canllaw hwylus Phil Horsley yn cynnwys 16 o deithiau ar hyd llwybrau beicio ardderchog Cymru, yn cynnwys llwybrau tawel ger traethau euraidd ac ar hyd aberoedd swynol, ger mynydd-dir creigiog a thrwy goetiroedd hudolus, heibio i gaerau canoloesol ac adeiladau eraill llawn cymeriad. Lluniau lliw.

These 16 cycle trails in Wales count among the best in Britain, quite possibly the world. Phil Horsley takes us on family-friendly routes for both experienced and inexperienced cyclists for all ages and abilities, along traffic-free routes by golden beaches, along tidal estuaries, near high rocky mountains, through dappled woodland, past medieval strongholds and other innovative sites.

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Iconic Cycling : Trails in Wales - Phil Horsley
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