Taith gyfareddol o amgylch Cymru gan Christopher Winn sy'n cynnig cipolwg ar y syniadau, digwyddiadau a phobl a luniodd Cymru. Dyma gyfrol llawn ffeithiau am straeon, chwedlau, lleoedd geni, dyfeisiadau, anturiaethau, etifeddiaeth, cofebau ac atgofion o'r tair sir ar ddeg draddodiadol yng Nghymru sy'n datgelu trysorau'r siroedd yn eu tro.
The inspiration for the primetime ITV series on Great Britain, this is a spellbinding journey around Wales by bestselling author Christopher Winn. Packed full of legends, firsts, birthplaces, inventions and adventures, I Never Knew That About Wales visits the thirteen traditional Welsh counties and unearths the hidden gems that they each hold