Gwibdaith Elliw - Ian Richards

Ar gael
Product Details
UPC: 9781913996727

Merch ifanc ar gyrion cymdeithas yw Elliw sydd mewn cadair olwyn yn dilyn damwain, yn chwilio am gariad ac yn ceisio dod i delerau â'i hanabledd. Dyma nofel am greadigrwydd ac am ddychymyg. Mae'n llawn cysyniadau cyfareddol: teithio, lliwiau a chartref. Nofel wych i bobl ifanc a chylchoedd trafod. Hon yw nofel gyntaf Ian Richards, siaradwr newydd sydd wedi meistroli'r Gymraeg yn wych.

Elliw is a young girl who feels marginalised from society. She uses a wheelchair following an accident, is looking for love and is trying to come to terms with her disability. This is a novel about creativity and imagination. It is full of enchanting concepts: travel, colour and home. Ian Richards's first novel is perfect for young people and discussion groups.

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Gwibdaith Elliw - Ian Richards
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