Fyny Fry - Nicola Davies

Ar gael
Product Details
UPC: 9781802583649

Mae Colin yn byw gyda'i fam a'i frawd ond yn ysu i dyfu lan. Ar ôl cael reiffl fel anrheg penblwydd gan ei frawd, mae Colin yn saethu hebog. Mae Colin yn dysgu'n gyflym bod saethu anifeiliaid yn wahanol i saethu caniau ar wal. Stori bwerus am dyfu lan a chyfrifoldeb.

Colin lives with his mother and brother and is eager to grow up. After receiving a rifle as a birthday present from his brother, he shoots a falcon, and quickly learns that shooting animals and birds is completely different to shooting cans off a wall. A powerful story about growing up and responsibility.

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Fyny Fry - Nicola Davies
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