Cerddi, ysgrifau a darnau creadigol am Gaerdydd gan awduron y mae'r Brifddinas wedi chwarae rhan bwysig yn eu bywydau, a ffotograffau yn ymateb i'r testun gan Richard Outram. Y cyfranwyr yw: Ffion Dafis, Huw Llywelyn Davies, Beti George, Hanan Issa, Carwyn Jones, Dafydd Llewelyn, Gareth Potter, Rebecca Thomas ac Ali Yassine.
A treasury of poems, essays and other creative writings about Cardiff by those to whom the capital of Wales has played an important role in their lives, with photographs responding to the text by Richard Outram. Contributors are: Ffion Dafis, Huw Llywelyn Davies, Beti George, Hanan Issa, Carwyn Jones, Dafydd Llewelyn, Gareth Potter, Rebecca Thomas and Ali Yassine.