Dyn ar Dân - Martin Huws

Ar gael
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UPC: 9781913996994
Awdur: Martin Huws

O'r Rhondda i'r Rhath, o Baris i Balesteina, ac o Lundain i Leipzig, mae cydwybod cymdeithasol Martin Huws yn ei yrru mewn casgliad llawn amrywiaeth o gerddi. Mae'n effro ar hyd y daith i ddioddefaint dynol a ddarlunnir ganddo mewn cyfres o ddelweddau sy'n aflonyddu ac yn llosgi - delweddau'r dyn ar dân.

In his first collection of poems, Martin Huws is led by his strong social conscience from the Rhondda to Roath, from Paris to Palestine, from London to Leipzig. Along the way he conveys human suffering in a striking series of images that provide little comfort. Originally from Cardiff, the author has lived in the Valleys for over 30 years.

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Dyn ar Dân - Martin Huws
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