Dreigio 2: Cara a Sleifarian

Ar gael
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UPC: 9781804162903

Ail deitl cyfres ffantasi swynol a chyffrous, wedi'i darlunio'n llawn ar gyfer darllenwyr 7-9 oed. Yng ngwlad Draconis, does dim dreigiau. Ond roedden nhw'n bod yno ar un adeg. Bryd hynny, roedd pobol a dreigiau yn ffrindiau, a thrwy gydweithio, fe godon nhw ddinas Rivven. Ond yna daeth y Storm Ddreigiau, a chiliodd y dreigiau o fyd pobol.

The second book in a thrilling, magical, and action-packed new fantasy series, illustrated throughout and perfect for 7-9 year olds! In the land of Draconis, there are no dragons. Once, there were. Once, humans and dragons were friends, and created the great city of Rivven together. But then came the Dragon Storm, and the dragons retreated from the world of humans.

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Dreigio 2: Cara a Sleifarian
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