Cymru, Y Byd a Ni: Cyfathrebu - Catrin Gwyn

1 ar gael
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UPC: 9781783904198
Awdur: Catrin Gwyn

Mae pob math o ffyrdd o gyfathrebu â'n gilydd, ac mae'r llyfr yma'n edrych ar sut mae pobl wedi anfon negeseuon at ei gilydd ers dechrau amser. Ysgrifen Ogam, protestiadau, chwedlau a iaith arwyddion – dysgwch am bob un ohonynt a mwy yn y llyfr hwn.

People communicate with each other in all sorts of ways and this book looks at the various ways people have been sending messages since the beginning of time. Ogam writing, protests, legends and sign language – learn about them all and more in this book.

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Cymru, Y Byd a Ni: Cyfathrebu - Catrin Gwyn
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