Cyfrolau Cenedl: 15. Kate Roberts - Tair Drama - Kate Roberts

Ar gael
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UPC: 9781739640231
Awdur: Kate Roberts

Fel awdur storïau byrion a nofelau y meddyliwn yn gyntaf a phennaf am Kate Roberts. Ond da yw cofio mai fel dramodydd y dechreuodd ar ei gyrfa lenyddol. Bu iddi ymwneud â thua phymtheg o ddramâu, fel cyfieithydd, fel cyd-awdur ac fel awdur yn ei hawl ei hun. Yn y gyfrol hon cyhoeddir am y tro cyntaf dair drama gyfan, wreiddiol o waith Kate Roberts.

Kate Roberts is acknowledged as a leading short story writer and novelist, but she began her literary career as a playwright. Her name is linked to about 15 plays, as translator, co-author and as playwright in her own right. This volume sees, for the first time, the publication of three complete, original plays by Kate Roberts.

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Cyfrolau Cenedl: 15. Kate Roberts - Tair Drama - Kate Roberts
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