Cyfrol flaengar sy'n adrodd hanes pobl Cymru mewn cyfnod o newid mawr yw Brittle with Relics
. Cofnodir digwyddiadau trawsnewidiol megis trychinebau Aberfan a Thryweryn; twf mudiad yr iaith Gymraeg; Streic y Glöwyr a'r cyfnod a'i dilynodd; a'r bleidlais agos dros ddatganoli rhannol.
Brittle with Relics
is a landmark history of the people of Wales during a period of great national change, a vital history of Wales as it underwent some of the country's most seismic and traumatic events; the disasters of Aberfan and Tryweryn; the rise of the Welsh language movement; the Miner's Strike and its aftermath; and the narrow vote in favour of partial devolution.